Center Console

Tactical Information Display (TID)

tid Tactical information display and corresponding and navigational controls.

1INS status indicatorIndicator light showing the status of the INS during alignment. STBY indicates power applied but not aligned. READY indicates minimum launch criteria for AIM-54. Both lights turn off when INS mode is selected. Can otherwise indicate faults.
2CONTRAST knobControl knob that controls the contrast of TCS video.
3DATA READOUT drumReadout drum indicating the source of the data displayed on the TID readouts. Might be blank for sources not having their own text on the drum.
4BRIGHT knobControl knob controlling TID brightness.
5STEERING indicator drumReadout drum indicating current steering information being displayed to the pilot.
6DEST selectorSelector knob controlling what destination to use for the navigation destination mode.
7CLSN buttonButton with indication used to select collision steering towards a tracked target or TWS centroid.
8DISPLAY buttonsButtons controlling what elements are shown on the TID. Contains indicator lights showing selection.
9RANGE selectorSelector switch selecting the current scale of the TID. Corresponds to the distance the diameter represents.
10TID MODE selectorSelector switch controlling current TID presentation.
11TRACK HOLD buttonButton extending the amount of time before a track is dropped after the last radar observation to two minutes. Normal time is 14 seconds.
12NAV MODE selectorSelector switch controlling navigation reference systems. Controls which system is in use and also alignment of the INS.

Hand Control Unit (HCU)

hcu Main radar and TCS control stick.

1IR/TV switchSwitch controlling TCS power. Enables selection of OFF/STBY and ON.
2IR/TV overtemp indicatorLight indicating the presence of an overtemperature condition in the TCS.
3LIGHT TEST buttonButton allowing a test of all AWG-9 lights.
4PWR RESET indicatorLight indicating one or more inoperative secondary power supplies.
5PWR RESET buttonButton allowing a reset of inoperative secondary power supplies. If the condition triggering the inoperational state remains the affected supplies will remain inoperational.
6WCS indicatorLight indicating selection of STBY or XMT with the radar not yet timed out or selection of XMT with radar transmission remaining off.
7WCS switchSwitch controlling WCS power (computer and radar). STBY turns on power to the WCS and begins radar warmup without transmission. XMT enables radar transmission if the radar is ready. Display warmup time is 30 seconds, radar warmup is 3 minutes.
8MRL buttonButton selecting manual rapid lockon mode. Overrides all operational modes except PLM and VSL.
9OFFSET buttonButton used to offset TID to hooked location on the display.
10ELEV thumbwheelThumbwheel used to fine-tune elevation of the radar antenna for STT lockon acquisition.
11HCU triggerUsed to select and trigger different functions in the WCS depending on current mode and HCU function. First detent is HALF ACTION, second detent is FULL ACTION. Examples of use are target acquisition and symbol hook.
12Hand control function buttonsButtons with an indication used to control the function of the HCU stick. Mutually exclusive. IR/TV - Selects control of TCS azimuth, elevation, and tracking. Enables display of TCS elevation on the right elevation indicator on DDD. RDR - Selects control of radar antenna for STT lock-on and return to search if already in STT. Enables display of currently commanded radar antenna elevation on the right elevation indicator on DDD. DDD CURSOR - Selects control of DDD cursor used to mark a geographical position while in pulse radar mode. TID CURSOR - Selects control of TID cursor used to hook (select) symbols on the TID.